The Oley Foundation
Every year, hundreds of thousands of patients across the US have issues with their digestive systems, such as the inability to swallow, a motility disorder, or a shortened intestine, which prevent them from sustaining themselves through normal eating. As a result, long term home IV nutrition or tube feeding, become necessary for survival. This feeding, called TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition), provides patients with all or most calories and nutrients through solutions that contain a mixture of protein, carbohydrates, glucose, fat, vitamins and minerals.
Given the challenges that TPN patients face, and that TPN is frequently administered through a PICC Line, we partnered with The Oley Foundation to give back to the TPN community. The Oley Foundation, a national, independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, works to enrich the lives of patients dependent on home intravenous nutrition (parenteral) and tube feeding (enteral) through education, advocacy, and networking.
The Oley Foundation provides its 17,000 plus members with critical information on topics such as medical advances, research and health insurance. Other foundation programs include a bi-monthly newsletter, information clearinghouse, and hosting an ambassador network of consumers and caregivers. The Foundation also is a conduit for the donation and distribution of unused equipment and supplies including enteral formula, pumps, tubing, IV poles, and syringes. All Oley programs are offered free of charge to consumers and their families, as well as membership to the Foundation.
Independent NIH-funded research shows that contact with the Oley Foundation lowers the incidence of catheter-related sepsis, reduces reactive depression, gives members the tools and confidence they need to manage their therapy and enables members to achieve normalcy in their lives. We are proud to partner with an organization that aligns with our mission of providing positive and effective healing experiences for patients everywhere.
Want to help give back to The Oley Foundation? Go to and a portion of your total purchase will go to helping The Oley Foundation fund education, advocacy and networking for TPN patients.